1:1 Coaching and Spiritual Healing Sessions
Personalized Support and Guidance to Becoming Your Highest & Best
Do you find yourself trapped in an anxiety-ridden state, unable to move forward?
Are you constantly plagued by self-sabotage, leaving you feeling defeated and questioning your efforts?
I understand the challenges you face, and I’m here to help you find, confront, and transform them into the life you’ve always dreamed of.
My mission is to help you regain control of your life and heal from within, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Whether you've lost your sense of security, struggle with limiting beliefs and anxiety, or yearn for deeper spiritual meaning, my personalized 1:1 coaching, and spiritual healing sessions are designed to guide you on your journey of transformation.

Let’s take a moment to reflect…
Do you feel like you've lost control of your life, your freedom, and your sense of security?
Are you trapped in a cycle of anxiety, self-sabotage, and fear of the unknown?
Have past failures left you traumatized and paralyzed, unable to move forward?
Are you searching for deeper meaning, feeling lost and out of alignment with your true self?
And do you feel disconnected from the Universe, the Creator, and your Soul?
If any of these resonate with you, then it's time to break free from the chains that have been holding you back from becoming all you’ve been dreaming of and attracting and calling in everything you’ve ever desired.
What You Can Expect from Our Sessions
Tailored-to-You Change and Spiritual Transformation
I believe that true healing and transformation begins when you stop viewing yourself as the enemy and instead become your own ally.
My approach is rooted in grace and compassion for my client, and our sessions are guided by the Universe and Creator.
My sessions have been deemed “spiritual therapy for the soul”, as it brings together a unique blend of spirituality and psychology, to holistically heal my client from the inside out, and bring their souls home back to them.
Within our 1:1 coaching and spiritual healing sessions, you'll embark on a transformative journey toward self-discovery, self-acceptance, and alignment with your soul and higher self. My methods will enable you to release limiting beliefs, overcome obstacles, and tap into your innate potential and spiritual freedom.
I understand how desperately you want everything to be okay…
You long for others to see you as the incredible person you truly are, but it takes confidence to show them.
You feel spiritually lost and unsure of your next steps in life.
You feel out of sync with your soul and higher self, and feel as though the Universe and the Creator have forgotten about you.
You wish you had unwavering focus and the drive to pursue your goals fearlessly.
You struggle to spot negative habits, thought patterns, and behaviors right now, despite being able to feel their destructive impact, and when you try to find where they started, or where they’re coming from, you draw a blank.
You want to feel proud of yourself, you want to end your self-sabotaging patterns and habits, but you feel stuck and unsure how to do it.
You've started your healing journey but words of affirmation, or “shadow work” isn’t enough, and you find that you’re triggered over and over again around things you thought you’ve already worked on.

Organizations + Individuals
Your Hot+Healed Coach Has Worked With
Start Your Healing Journey Today.
Let’s Embark on Your Journey of Healing and Growth Together
Imagine a life where you break free from the patterns that have held you back, and finding inner resolve to all of the questions you’ve had in the Universe about your life purpose.
It all begins here!
I invite you to take the first step on this transformative journey. Book your session today, and together, we'll pave the path toward your true potential.

I'll see you soon.
H+H, CrystalKayeebZeb